Professor of Creative and Cultural Industries Management

Elisabetta Lazzaro is a cultural economist, Professor of Creative and Cultural Industries Management at UCA Business School for the Creative Industries, and Head of the Arts & Creative Ecosystems (ACEs) Research & Innovation cluster at UCA.
Elisabetta has formerly been Professor of Creative Economy and Head of Professorship at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht (Netherlands), Professor, Chair in Cultural Management and Head of Division at Free University of Brussels (Belgium), and Assistant Professor of Arts Management & Entrepreneurship at Meadows School of the Arts & Cox Business School, Southern Methodist University (USA). Elisabetta holds a double PhD in Economics from University Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne and Free University of Brussels (Fellow), in addition to other fellow studies and degrees in cultural economics and management, music, art history, design and fashion in major HE institutions in Europe, the USA and Australia.
Elisabetta has served in several national and international scientific agencies and industry and government boards specialised in the cultural and creative sectors, and she is Executive Board Member of the Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI). She has a track record of more than 70 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, books and policy reports, on the economics management, entrepreneurship and policy of the arts, cultural heritage creative industries and digitisation, including: arts markets, cultural participation and value, entrepreneurship, sustainable business models, financing and crowdfunding of arts and creative professionals and organisations, and culture in international relations. She is the recipient of about 50 international and national research grants and fellowships. She is regularly invited as a keynote lecturer in international and national peer-reviewed and industry conferences and events in the creative industries, and she has delivered more than 140 keynotes and presentations.
At UCA Elisabetta has created and leads the interdisciplinary Arts & Creative Ecosystems research and innovation cluster (ACEs), a growing multidisciplinary research team that develops capacity building by exploiting arts and creative and cultural industries (CCI) strategic innovation in the economy and society through knowledge exchange with a variety of industry and government stakeholders at local, national and international levels. Internally to UCA, it aims to foster multi- and inter-disciplinarity in research and innovation between the BSCI and the other Schools and Departments.
On behalf of the European Union, Prof. Lazzaro has been one of the first advocates for the constitution in 2022 of the EIT Culture & Creativity KIC, for which a large European consortium has been selected to integrate innovation in research, education, economy and governance in the cultural and creative industries. Prof. Lazzaro represents UCA in this consortium, contributing to, among others, the Strategic Topic Group for Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Circular Adaptive reuse of Cultural Heritage, and the Strategic Topic Group of Virtual, augmented and mixed realities, immersive content and the metaverse.
Elisabetta is UCA’s PI in the international research project “Crowdfunding in the Culture Sector: Adoption, Effects and Implications (CROWDCUL)”, funded by the Research Council of Norway. The project was launched in 2020 and will run through 2024.
Prof. Lazzaro is also the co-founder and co-lead of the international interdisciplinary forum Researching Art Markets Past &Present: Tools for the Future (RAMP) an international community of hundreds of art-market scholars as well as practitioners from six continents, meeting and exchanging knowledge, research and best practices through international workshops, peer-reviewed publications and other initiatives.
Research supervision
Elisabetta is interested in supervising PhD students in different areas of cultural and creative economy, including arts markets, entrepreneurship, innovation, financing and digital and immersive technologies in the arts, culture and creative industries.
Professional Membership, Affiliation and Consultancy
- Executive Board Member of the Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI)
- Expert of the UNESCO’s Inclusive Policy Lab
- Co-founder and co-director of Researching Art Markets Past & Present: Tools for the Future (RAMP)
- Member of the International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC)
- Restricted Group Member of the European Industrial Policy Strategy and Cultural and Creative Industries, European Commission, Brussels
- Panel Member for the Union action “European Capital of Culture”, European Commission, Brussels
- Restricted Scientific Group Member of the Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor, European Commission, Brussels
- Member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM)
- Member of the International Art Market Studies Association (TIAMSA)
- Advisory Board Member of the Art Market Dictionary, Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing, Berlin
Main/most recent only:
- British Academy-UKRI Pump Priming, 2022 (project leader)
- Ministry of Culture of Colombia, Cultural districts and local development, 2021 (project partner)
- Research Council of Norway, Crowdfunding in the Culture Sector: Adoption, Effects and Implications (CROWDCUL), 2020-2024 (project partner)
- COIMA ESG City Impact Fund, Covivio and Prada Holding / Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), International Competition Masterplan for the regeneration of the Porta Romana railway yard in Milan (Italy), 2nd prize, 2020-2021 (project partner)
- European Commission, Creative Europe, Festivallinks, 2018-2020 (project partner)
- Dutch Board of Practice-Oriented Research (SIA) KIEM, Capturing Value for Creative Professionals, 2018-2019 (project co-leader)
- European Commission, COST, Cultural Crowdfunding, 2018 (project partner)
- European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), Budapest, Culture, Cultural Heritage and Creative Industries in EIT’s Strategic Innovation Agenda, 2017 (project co-leader)
- Artclair Editions/Le Journal des Arts, Paris and, Berlin, The international art market & big data, 2017 (project co-leader)
- Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, Brussels, The economic impact of the cultural and creative sector in the Brussels-Capital Region, 2015-2017 (project co-leader)
- European Parliament, Brussels, Creative Europe - Culture sub-programme: First experiences with the implementation of the new programme, 2016 (project leader)

- Lazzaro, E., Moureau, N. & Turpin, A. (eds.), Law and Finance in International Art Markets: Past and Present. London: Routledge (forthcoming).
- Lazzaro, E., Moureau, N. & Turpin, A. (eds.). 2021. Researching Arts Markets: Past, Present and Tools for the Future. London: Routledge (ISBN 9780367893392).
- Lazzaro, E. 2016. Research for CULT Committee: Creative Europe - Culture sub-programme: First experiences with the implementation of the new programme. Brussels: European Parliament, 53 pages (ISBN 978-92-823-9417-5).
- Brandt-Grau, A., Busquin, P., Clausse, G., Gustafsson, C., Kolar, J., Lazzaro, E., Smith, B., Spek, T., Thurley, S. & Tufano, F. 2015. Getting cultural heritage to work for Europe - H2020 Expert Group in Cultural Heritage. Brussels: European Commission, 25 pages (ISBN 978-92-79-46046-3).
- Lazzaro, E. & Picchi. G. 2023 G. Business models of art galleries: a thematic synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Arts Management.
- Gustafsson, C. & Lazzaro, E. 2021. The innovative response of cultural and creative industries to major European societal challenges: Toward a knowledge and competence base. Sustainability, 13(23), 13267.
- Lazzaro, E. 2021. Linking the creative economy with universities’ entrepreneurship in a urban context: A spillover approach. Sustainability, 13(3), 1078.
- Lazzaro, E. & Noonan, D. 2020. Cultural and creative crowdfunding: A comparative analysis of regulatory frameworks in Europe and the USA. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 27(5), 590-606.
- Fontainha, E. & Lazzaro, E. 2019. Cultural and creative entrepreneurs in financial crises: Sailing against the tide? Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 66, 73-89. 10.2478/saeb-2019-0022
- Aguado, L.F., Lazzaro, E., Palma, L., & Osorio, A.M. 2018. Newspaper reading as a form of cultural participation: The case of Colombia, Review of Economics & Finance, 41(1), 40-54.
- Lazzaro, E. & Frateschi, C. 2017. Couples’ arts participation: Assessing individual and joint time use, Journal of Cultural Economics, 40(1), 47-69.
- Lazzaro, E., Moureau & N., Vidal, M. 2015. What drives the VIPs of the art world? Collectors in the light of textual analysis, Cátedra Corona - University of Los Andes - Faculty of Management, Bogota, 30 pages (ISSN 1657-477X, monographic issue).
- Lazzaro, E. & Moureau, N. 2013. Auctioneer vs. commissaire priseur: The carnival mirror of professional regulation in the international art market”, European Journal of Comparative Economics, 10(2), 159-176.
- Frateschi, C., Lazzaro, E. & Palma, L. 2009. A comparative econometric analysis of museum attendance by locals and foreigners: The cases of Padua and Seville, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 27(1), 337-360.
- Lazzaro, E. 2007. Effects of national policies on the demand for music education: Evidence from Belgium, The UNESCO Observatory e-Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1.13, (ISSN 1835 – 2776).
- Lazzaro, E. 2006. Assessing quality in cultural goods: The hedonic value of originality in Rembrandt’s prints, Journal of Cultural Economics, 30(1), 15-40.
- Lazzaro, E. 2006. El análisis de la diversidad en la demanda cultural a partir de los elementos teóricos y metodológicos de la economía de la cultura. Cuadernos de Economía de la Cultura, 6, 85-88.
- Lazzaro, E. & Nordgård, D. Crowdfunding for visual artists: Alternative or complementary financing mode? In E. Lazzaro, N. Moureau & A. Turpin (eds.), Law and Finance in International Art Markets: Past and Present. London: Routledge (forthcoming).
- Lazzaro, E., Moureau, N. & Turpin, A. Introduction. In E. Lazzaro, N. Moureau & A. Turpin (eds.), Law and Finance in International Art Markets: Past and Present. London: Routledge (forthcoming).
- Lazzaro, E. 2022. Cultural and creative districts: A literature review and a taxonomy. In P. Powell, P. & B.S. Nayak (eds.), Pedagogical Contours of Creative Business Education. London: Palgrave Macmillian.
- Lazzaro, E. 2022. LipanjePuntin artecontemporanea. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2022. Marignana Arte. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2022. Noire Contemporary Art. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2022. Rossicontemporary. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2022. RossovermiglioArte. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2022. Tornabuoni Arte. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2022. Vecchiato Arte. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. & Miyamoto, B. 2021. Bought-in at English auction: Sellers testing their estimates in a maturing market. In E. Lazzaro, N. Moureau, & A. Turpin (eds.), Researching Arts Markets: Past, Present and Tools for the Future, pp. 162-167. London: Routledge.
- Lazzaro, E. & Moureau, N. 2021. Contemporary artists’ promotion and internationalisation: A fair's perspective. In E. Lazzaro, N. Moureau & A. Turpin (eds.), Researching Arts Markets: Past, Present and Tools for the Future, pp. 99-111. London: Routledge.
- Lazzaro, E., Moureau, N. & Turpin, A. 2021. Introduction. In E. Lazzaro, N. Moureau & A. Turpin (eds.), Researching Arts Markets: Past, Present and Tools for the Future, pp. 1-10. London: Routledge.
- Lazzaro, E. & Noonan, D. 2021. The contribution of crowdfunding regulation to cultural entrepreneurship in a supportive ecosystem. In P. Demartini, L. Marchegiani, M. Marchiori & G. Schiuma (eds.), Cultural Initiatives for Sustainable Development: Management, Participation and Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Sector, pp. 401-424, Springer, Book series: Contributions to Management Science (ISBN 978-3-030-65686-7).
- Lazzaro, E. 2021. Cardi Gallery. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2021. Galleria d’Arte Niccoli. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2021. Galleria Ferrari. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2021. Galleria San Marco. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2021. Galleria Seno. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2021. Galleria Torbandena. In Nathan, J. (ed.), Art Market Dictionary. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Academic Publishing.
- Lazzaro, E. 2020. Blockchain opportunities and challenges in the art market. In Černaja, A. (ed.), Opportunities and Challenges of Art and Antiques Market Management. Riga: National Heritage Board of Latvia, (ISBN 978-9934-8869-5-9).
- Lazzaro, E. 2020. Art at the crossroads between creativity, innovation, digital technology and business, a case study. In T. Bille, A. Mignosa & R. Towse (eds.), Teaching Cultural Economics, Teaching Economics series, pp. 238-244. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (ISBN 978-1-78897-073-0).
- Lazzaro, E., & Moureau, N. 2019. Art, trade and artistic diversity in eventful and innovative cities. In A.B. Braidt, A. Garcia Lopez & R. Turner (eds.), Resilience and the City. Art, Education, Urbanism, pp. 187-193. Amsterdam: ELIA (ISBN 978-90-810357-8-1).
- Lazzaro, E. & Noonan, D. 2019. US vs. EU regulatory frameworks of crowdfunding for the arts and culture. In Schiuma, G., Demartini, P. & Yan, M.-Y. (eds.), Knowledge Ecosystems and Growth, pp. 2059-2071. Matera: IFKAD (ISBN 978-88-96687-12-3).
- Lazzaro, E. 2018. Prospettive economiche delle tecnologie dell’informazione per il patrimonio culturale e la creatività, Knowledge Transfer Review - Focus on Cultural and Creative Industries 1, 106-116 (ISBN 9788894404302).
- Lazzaro, E., 2017. Cultural and creative entrepreneurs. In Doyle J.E. & Mickov B. (eds.), Culture, Innovation and the Economy, pp. 33-37. London: Routledge, (ISBN 978-1-13-821901-4).
- Lazzaro, E. 2014. Reading Newspaper Articles. In Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 5406-5417 (ISBN 9789400707542).
- Lazzaro, E. 2008. La valeur de l’originalité dans les multiples de Rembrandt. In Raux S., Surlapierre N. & Tonneau-Ryckelynck D. (eds.), L'estampe, un art multiple à la portée de tous ? 65-76. Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion (ISBN 2277301604).
- Lazzaro, E. 2006. Originalità, copie e mercato dell’arte. In Frateschi C. & Mistri M. (eds.), I valori dell’arte, pp. 75-93. Rome: Carocci, (ISBN 9788843039357).
- Lazzaro, E., Moureau, N. & Sagot-Duvauroux, D. 2004. From the market of copies to the market of fakes: Adverse selection and moral hazard in the market of artistic paintings. In Mossetto G. & Vecco M. (eds.), The Economics of Copying and Counterfeiting, pp. 93-118 Milan: Franco Angeli (ISBN 9788846460424).
- Lazzaro, E. & Mossetto, G. 1997. Le determinanti dei prezzi delle opere d'arte. In Candela G. & Benini M. (eds.), Produzione e Circolazione dell'Informazione nel Mercato dell'Arte, pp. 41-58. Bologna: CLUEB (ISBN 9788880914310).
- Lazzaro, E. & Fontainha, E. 2013. Time and wellbeing in arts and media participation: Disentangling Americans’ quality of experience. In J. Ruiz-Gutierrez (Ed.) 12th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC), Proceedings. Bogota: School of Management Universidad de los Andes.
- Lazzaro, E. & Voss, Z. 2010. Assessing Citizens and Visitors’ Awareness, Sharing of Meaning and Engagement in Dallas Public Art, ESA Research Network Sociology of Culture Midterm Conference: Culture and the Making of Worlds.
- Lazzaro, E. 2003. Programmi europei: Opportunità di finanziamento per biblioteche ed archive. In Biblioteconomia, Fund Raising e Servizi Bibliotecari - 13° Seminario Angela Vinay, 55-60. Venice: Fondazione Querini Stampalia,
- Lazzaro, E. 2000. An analysis of the impact of differentiation strategies on market share. In Artists’ Career Development, Artists’ Labour Markets, Support and Policies for Artists - International Symposium, Tokyo 28-30 May 1999, ACEI/JACE – Proceedings, pp. 113-121. Tokyo: The Japan Association of Cultural Economics.
- Lazzaro, E. 1999. The intermediaries of contemporary art: An analysis of the impact of differentiation strategies on market share. In Uusitalo L. & Moisander J. (eds.), 5th International Conference on Arts & Cultural Management (AIMAC), Helsinki 13-17 June 1999 – Proceedings, pp. 103-108. Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration.
- Lazzaro, E. 1996. The market appreciation of a contemporary painter: An investigation through auction records. In Quine M. & H. Laszlo (eds.), International Conference on Arts & Cultural Management (AIMAC) – London, July 1995 – Proceedings, pp. 143-152., London: City University.
- Gustafsson, C. & Lazzaro, E. 2017. Expert analysis of the Thematic Area of Culture, Cultural Heritage and Creative Industries to EIT’s Strategic Innovation Agenda. Budapest: European Institute of Innovation and Technology, 13 pages.
- Amez, L., Lazzaro, E., Mauri, C., Vlegels, J. & Ysebaert, W. 2017. The Cultural & Creative Sectors in the Brussels-Capital Region. Brussels: Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, 55 pages.
- Lazzaro, E. & Mulder, N. 2017. How to Design an Artefact? Design Science Research from the Organisational Perspective of the Creative Industries. Utrecht: HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, 100 pages.
- Lazzaro, E. & Lowies, J.G. 2015. Le poids économique des industries culturelles et créatives en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Namur: Institut wallon de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la statistique (IWEPS), 71 pages.
- Lazzaro, E. & Lowies, J.G. 2015. Le poids économique des industries culturelles et créatives en Wallonie et à Bruxelles - Note Méthodologique. Namur: Institut wallon de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la statistique (IWEPS), 48 pages.
- Lazzaro, E. 2004. Building blocks for future organisational models for the coordination of heritage digitisation in Europe. The Hague: Dutch Ministry of Culture, Education and Science & 2004 EU Dutch Presidency, 35 pages.
- Lazzaro, E. 2000. Le tariffe dei servizi pubblici locali: Loro impatto sul consumatore ed effetti sulle gestioni. In Di Porto A., Lacchini M. & Mossetto G. (eds.), Relazione sui Servizi Pubblici nella Città di Roma, pp. I-XIII, 1-153. Rome: Authority for Local Public Utilities of the Municipality of Rome.
- Lazzaro, E., Russo, A.P. & Van Der Borg, J. 1997. Applicazione della telematica all’offerta turistica veneziana come strumento di politica regolatrice dei flussi di visitatori. Venice: ICARE and Telecom Italia, 145 pages.
- Lazzaro, E. & Moureau, N. 2018. Le profil des foires européennes selon les galeries qui y participant. Le Journal des Arts, 504, 37.
- Lazzaro, E. & Moureau, N. 2018. Art Basel, analyse d’une foire à succès, Le Journal des Arts, 503, 36.
- Lazzaro, E. & Moureau, N. 2018. Comment les foires satellites tournent autour de Bâle, Le Journal des Arts, 503, 37.
- Lazzaro, E. & Moureau, N. 2018. Les foires d’art contemporain, un phénomène très occidental, Le Journal des Arts, 502, 38.
- Lazzaro, E. & Moureau, N. 2017. Foires européennes, plus cosmopolites, moins diversifiées, Le Journal des Arts, Cahier n. 2 Marché, 486, 6.
- Lazzaro, E. & Frateschi, C. 2016. The arts alone or together? Time use as a measurement of the value of the arts, Economists Talks Art.
- Lazzaro, E. 2007. Assessing art as an investment: Applying hedonic value analysis to prints, Wealthbriefing.