#CreatorsAssemble: Creative Ways to Help in your Community
Wondering how you can use your creative skills for the greater good in the battle against Coronavirus? Here are a few ideas.
14 April 2020
Right now, as we all face life in a new world dominated by Covid-19, it feels like we’re completely dependent on science to save us.
But we believe art has a crucial role to play, too. Through it, we can connect people to fight isolation, spread vital messages that keep people safe, shift perspectives to protect mental health… and that’s just for starters.
That’s why, throughout our #CreatorsAssemble campaign, we’ll be sharing weekly briefs that challenge you to use your creative skills to help your community tackle some of the biggest problems it faces during the Covid-19 outbreak.
We’ll post a new brief each week, adding them all to this blog as we go. Ready to get stuck in? Let’s do it.
Brief #7: The new school rules (26 May- 2 Jun)
Many primary school children are likely to be heading back to school soon, and when they do, their day may look quite different with to what they are used to, with new rules in place to make sure they wash their hands properly and more often, keep at least two metres away from children who aren’t in their class, and resist the urge to hug their friends.
It would be easy for all this to get a bit scary and overwhelming, so we’d like you to create something that explains one of these new rules in a fun, positive way that will help kids remember what to do. It can be in any medium — a cartoon, a fun graphic, a rhyme, song, video — as long as it’s fun, memorable and reassuring. For inspiration, check out the examples below:
- Video: Baby Shark 20-second handwashing song
- WWF Animal social distancing tips graphic
- Alternatives to handshakes, hugs, high fives and Hongi GIF by Siouxsie Miles & Toby Morris
Brief #6 (19–26 May): Art vs Abuse
For many people living with someone abusive, self-isolation and having to stay home are a nightmare come true. For them, even more than most, this can be a time of fear, danger, and a struggle to access support or escape from their situation.
No one should ever have to live like this. If they are, it’s important they know that they’re not alone, and there is still help available, lockdown or no lockdown. So this week we want you to create a social media graphic that spreads the word about the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline, which anyone can call on 0808 2000 247 or message at nationaldahelpline.org.uk
Brief #5 (12–19 May): Charity begins at home
The impact of this crisis on our communities will go way beyond health. Many key support services are provided by charities, whose fundraising efforts have been hit by the need to close shops and cancel events and challenges during the crisis.
Now’s the time to get creative about plugging that gap. This week’s brief is to create something to help raise funds for a charity that’s seen its income drop as result of coronavirus. From a starting a viral sponsored challenge to setting up an ‘Art for charity’ listing on Etsy, how you do it is up to you…
Brief #4 (5–12 May): Mouths to feed
A lot of local food banks have had to close to visitors, but most are still delivering food parcels for those in need. Heroes! Unfortunately, many have seen donations fall during the Covid-19 crisis, while their numbers of new clients increase as lockdown hits people’s finances.
It’s time to remind those who can help that their donations matter more than ever right now — and that in most cases they can donate at their local supermarket when they do their normal shop. Your mission this week is to find out what items your local foodbank needs most, and create something shareable that will encourage people in your area to keep donating them.
Brief #3 (28- April — 5 May): Be a home school hero
Anyone with children is finding things challenging right now. Even if they aren’t trying to juggle work alongside full-time childcare, they will be dealing with kids who are getting bored and stir-crazy with being cooped up all day, and also trying to teach them something while they can’t go to school!
That’s where you come in. Use your creative skills to make a video or step-by-step blog showing kids how to create something using objects they’ll find at home.
Your work might teach them to use a new technique to create a unique piece of art, or give them a guide to creating a toy, dress-up accessory, or even something practical. You’ve got the knowledge — just add imagination!
Brief #2 (21–28 April): Good Neighbours
Everyone finds it tough being on lockdown, but for many sick or older people, it’s even harder. Many will be feeling lonely, or struggling to use technology to find ways to occupy themselves, connect with others, organise medicine deliveries, get regular exercise or order supplies online.
But you can help. We want you to create a piece of social media content encouraging people to help their elderly or sick neighbours. Use this information and video from Age UK to get started.
Brief #1 (14–21 April): Ordinary Heroes
Right now, our NHS workers are facing the biggest challenge of their careers. They’re exhausted, and at times they are bound to be daunted by the scale of the crisis.
This week’s brief is to remind them that they’re not alone; that while we all have moments of self-doubt, we’re capable of more than we think.
What things in your life do you turn to when you need to remind yourself of what you’re capable of? Maybe there’s a song, a quote, a picture, an object, a memory, that you rely on when you need a shot of self-belief?
Whatever works for you, we want you to take that as your inspiration to create something that gives our NHS heroes the inspiration to fight another day, showing them that we know they’ve got this, and we’re right there with them. Share your work with #CreatorsAssemble — we can’t wait to see it!