MA student awarded
Study Bursary

MA Visual Communication student Lily Montford from the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) Canterbury has won a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500

09 January 2020


A Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500 has been won by MA Visual Communication student Lily Montford from the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) Canterbury

Lily said, “I feel incredibly grateful to be receiving a bursary and couldn't believe it at first!”

Postgrad Solutions supports every aspect of the postgraduate journey, helping students find their perfect course. “I think it's very useful to have a site specifically catered to helping those looking to study a postgraduate degree. It's great to have all the information you could need in one place,” said Lily.

Lily Montford - Bursary Winner

The financial award will play an important part in helping Lily achieve success in her studies, “Having £500 of my tuition paid off will alleviate some of my financial worries, and give me the freedom to travel and visit more galleries and art shows as research and inspiration for my work. It will also give me the freedom to purchase the necessary art supplies to create and to throw myself into my work,” she explained.

The British student chose UCA Canterbury for her postgraduate studies because she previously studied her BA degree in Illustrations & Animation there, and had very much enjoyed the experience.

“I like the atmosphere, everything feels friendly and welcoming. The tutors are helpful and the materials, equipment, and visiting lecturers make studying exciting,” Lily said. “I like studying at a university focused on art-related subjects and being around other artists and creative people.”

Lily decided to study for an MA in Visual Communication because it gave her the flexibility to study aspects of both illustration and graphic design, she said, “I am passionate about pursuing illustration as a career path. And so far, the decision is proving to be a success. I am already greatly enjoying my course and I Iook forward to developing my style, skills, and learning more about myself through the work I create.”

To view a list of Postgraduate degrees on offer at UCA, visit the course pages.

To apply for a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary, visit their website.