UCA Professors win
prestigious animation book award
14 February 2020
Experimental and Expanded Animation, a book edited by Professor Nicky Hamlyn and Dr Vicky Smith from the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) has won a prestigious award from the Society for Animation Studies.
The book won the Norman McLaren/Evelyn Lambart Award for Best Scholarly Book in Animation.
“Experimental and Expanded Animation tackles a much-neglected subject and brings together a range of artists and scholars in an impressively coherent fashion,” said the panel of judges, Dr Andy Buchanan, Dr Eliška D?cká and Dr Fatemeh Hosseini-Shakib.
“The quality of the work remains high throughout and the chapters offer a mixture of case studies and more expansive discussions of the form. Truly international in perspective, this is sure to be a key point of reference for many years to come.”
Experimental and Expanded Animation discusses the developments and continuities in experimental animation and how they have flourished in the context of expanded cinema, performance and live ‘making’, and are today exhibited in galleries, public sites and online.
The book offers arguments and insights from both practical and theoretical perspectives, with International researchers offering new and diverse methodologies of animation practices. Covering topics such as fakeness and fabrication, causation, ecology, process as narrative and critical re-workings of cartoons, this book will appeal to researchers, animation practitioners, teachers and students from Fine Art, Film, Media Studies and Philosophy and Aesthetics backgrounds.
To order your copy of the book visit, Palgrave Macmillan.
To learn more about studying Animation at UCA, visit the course pages.