Student illustrations feature in
CoppaFeel campaign
Four students from UCA Rochester have had their artwork selected for CoppaFeel’s Instagram campaign for breast cancer awareness.
12 May 2022
©Jessica Hopper
CoppaFeel is a charity that exists to educate and remind every young person in the UK that checking their boobs isn’t only fun, it could save their life.
Jessica Hopper, Lola Ford, Otylia Bastian and Rebecca Ames are studying for their extended diploma in art and design and created their illustrations as part of a live industry brief set by the breast cancer charity to promote the often-taboo subject of checking breasts and pecs.
Curtis Tappenden, senior lecturer at UCA Rochester said: “I am delighted. This is brilliant news for our students and highlights the excellence of work being produced by the youngest learners on our Rochester campus. If this project can save just one life from breast cancer, it will all have been worthwhile.”
CoppaFeel highly praised the collaboration with UCA and thanked UCA for such high standards of work.
Jessica, who had two of her illustrations selected for CoppaFeel’s campaign took inspiration from campaigns she’s seen on her own Instagram feed. She created one typographic based design and one using a more expressive painting style.
“I intended to use my second design as an experimental idea,” added Jessica. “But the outcome was more successful than I’d expected!
“I appreciated the opportunity to raise awareness. It is essential that men and women are educated about checking themselves!”
Otylia was similarly enthusiastic about educating people on the importance of checking breasts regularly and they also wanted their design to be accessible, humorous and show that all shapes and sizes are beautiful.
Otylia said: “I wanted my image to show that this process does not have to be scary it’s just there to make sure we all stay safe. The most important thing I've taken away from this project is to keep checking!”
The chosen illustrations will be live on the CoppaFeel Instagram page today or check them out below.
©Jessica Hopper
©Otylia Bastian
©Rebecca Ames
©Lola Ford